swan comic, pibble tree, dump, fixed bora pages...
categories: site-updates/ publish/
star of swan

There’s been an excerpt from this comic on the site for a long time but it’s finally being published August 18th. It’s 60 pages and you can pre-order it from Breakdown Press’s website.
Breakdown is also publishing a short collection of the Fromsoft fanart I’ve done over the past few years.
site updates

- Added a couple of drawings to:
- Fixed Bora the Brain layout so it’s not as ugly. Replaced all page images (the first 2 chapters were saved with a bright, white paper color but now they’re slightly off-white.)
- Fixed layout of Fuu’s Archive a bit.
- Added a new section called dump, which is just for drawings and sketches that I don’t like as much or are incomplete or abandoned.
- Changed site layout. Also made some slight changes to this blog’s layout.
- Added link to this site I use to keep track of stuff I’m reading / watching https://sickcallfuu.github.io/
site to do
- One-shot comics 2023-2024.
- One-shots pre-2020.
- Add new drawings to Bora section.
- update cv
- add slaughterers images (3d renders for a reading from 2021)
normal to do
- ???

previous: cows and 7 wizards | next: stream event and one-shot comics added to site